Pakistan Railways has been announced the vacancies for executive Officers level jobs opportunities in different sectors. All jobs are contract base in different sectors Pakistan Railways Advisory and Consultancy Services, Railways Constructions Pakistan, and Pakistan Railways Freight Transportation Company. Pakistan Railways has announced jobs for contract basis and appointment on these jobs will be on three years on contract with terms and conditions.
Following are the jobs
1 Chief Executive Officer, Pakistan Railways Advisory and Consultancy Services (PRACS) (Public) Ltd
2 Chief Executive Officer, Railway Constructions Pakistan (RAILCOP) Ltd
3 Chief Executive Officer, Pakistan Railways Freight Transportation Company (PRATC) (Pvt) Ltd
No of each sector have 1 post and maximum age limit required is 55 Years.
Salary package will be negotiable
Requirement Educational Qualification
Applicant should have Phd in relevant subject, or applicant should have master and experienced in relevant subject. Applicant should have M.Com, CA, or MBA from recognized University.
More information can be get from Pakistan Railways website for application and application procedures

Applicant can send CV with resume and Educational attested Degrees with photograph and downloaded application format that is already available on website Last date of submission of documents is 15th of March 2021. Applicant can send their resumes with passport size photograph at given address. Incomplete documents will not be accept only shortlisted candidates could be call for interview.
Address is here for submission and sending of documents is given below
Director Establishment, Ministry of Railways, Room No 339, 3rd Floor Block D Pak Secretariat Islamabad.