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Australia business visa

Australia business visa

Australia is a famous country of the continent Australia because of its agricultural products, industries and dairies. This country pulls millions of people in this country in different capacities like visitors, students, employee and investors. The business community has a lot of opportunities for investment and establishing new businesses in this part of the world. The international businessmen get the advantages of Australian tax relaxation schemes. The government sponsors the overseas investors and offers different benefits like residency of this country. There are numbers of advantages for international investors like classic investment opportunities, availability of fantastic employees and other facilities. The investment policies introduced by Australia attract the foreign investors to invest in this part of the world. This country has an open invitation for international investors to invest or establish new business in this country. Australia has introduced different types of followings bossiness visas.

1. Australia business talent visa
This Australia business visa belongs to the category in which the overseas businessman requires nomination from Australian government or territory. The foreign businessmen under this category can invest in ongoing businesses or can start new business. This Australia business visa is divided into followings classes.

A. Significant business history stream
This visa category is designed for international businessmen having enough capital and they have plans to establish new business in this country.

B. Venture capital entrepreneur stream
This visa type is introduced for those international business community have handsome money,
from the Australian Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL).

2. Business innovation and investment visa
This business visa is issued on temporary ground and released to those foreign businessmen having a plan to invest in this part of the world or establish new business. The businessmen must invest the amount or capital that is committed by the investors. This business visa category requires capital and the investor must reside in this country at least 160 days in four years. This business visa type is further divided into three categories.

A. The Business Innovation stream
This business visa category is for international businessmen those are investing in new business or in going on business firm.

B. The Investor stream
This business visa is for those international businessmen having a plan to invest fixed amount of money in Australian state or territory. It is necessary that the investor must have enough money to invest in this art of the world.

C. The Significant Investor stream
The foreign investor agreed to invest 5 million AUD in Australia after the maturation of his real investment done before this. The first capital is not included in this amount, which is invested by the businessman before this.

3. Business innovation and investment visa
This business visa is without any filing expression of interest. The investor must have excellent record and the businessman is invited by Australian state or territory. This visa category permits the businessman to reside in this country for indefinite period.  However, this business visa also converts into citizenship after the fulfillment of requirement and visa holder can invite his family members on this visa. 4. Business owner visa (Subclass 890)
This visa category is designed for overseas businessmen run their own business by them. The applicant for this visa must have spent one year in this country out of two years at the occasion of application filing. The foreign investor must hold minimum AUD 100 000 prior to submit application. In case the applicant have two businesses in this country, then he has at least AUD 300 000 in previous year. Besides these Australian business visas there are few others business visas categories just as.
1. Investor visa (Subclass 891)
2. State/Territory sponsored business owner (Subclass 892)
3. State/Territory sponsored investor (Subclass 893)

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